The Victorian Planning Minister has previously announced that he will set up a register of existing pools in victoria. This is now available on the Victorian Building Authority site. After this voluntary registration process the Minister plans to make existing pool safety barriers in Victoria will be subject to ongoing routine inspections. All of this has been widely reported in the media
“We’re doing more to protect children and families from the tragedy of backyard drownings.”
Planning Minister Richard Wynne
A timeline for these new pool barrier regulations has now been released;
Public consultation until 6 September 2019
Finalisation of the regulations Sept to Oct 2019
Regulations enacted 1 December 2019
What are your next steps?
So what does this mean for you and your pool ? Your first action will be to register prior to 14 April 2020. So get registered before next year’s footy season. Don’t forget these regulations apply to spas as well as pools. Any body of water that is at least 300mm deep and is used primarily for swimming is covered.
The second step depends on how old your pool is and they are starting with the oldest first.
1980’s kidney shaped pool
If your pool was constructed before 30 June 1994 you need to lodge your first compliance certificate on 30 October 2020.
I never did like kidney.
This is you if your pool is kidney shaped with big curved walls and the pool coping is covered with brick pavers or some horrible quartz epoxy applied finish.
2000’s impossible blue pool with slate paving.
If your pool was constructed between 1 July 1994 and 1 May 2010 you need to lodge your first compliance certificate on 30 April 2021.
You get more time than your Monaro driving neighbour but you are second in line. Note this is 2021, not next year at all.
Inflatable pink flamingo and grey slate paving tiles
If your pool was constructed between after 1 May 2010 you need to lodge your first compliance certificate on 29 October 2021.
I guess the logic here is that your pool final inspection was reasonably recent, so things should be still ok. This is seriopus wishful thinking, but at least we have some guideline dates.
I will keep you in the loop with future updates.
If you wish to comment on all these things please visit engage Victoria. Don’t forget to fill in the questionnaire for your opinion to be recorded.
I Know pools.