Marcus Taylor passionate building professional
My name is Marcus Taylor and I have been a building professional for over 25 years. My father and Grandfather were both builders. One of my sons is training to be a building inspector, my other son is dead to me because he is a real estate agent!!
I ran my own domestic construction business for many years. The majority of my projects were individuallly designed architectural homes and extensions. We built many beautiful homes and I always took a great deal of pride in my work
Newly minted builder circa 1985
I have an inquiring mind and I am passionate about all things related to building. My career stared with a Diploma of Building from RMIT awarded in 1985. After graduating I worked as a supervisor for Markay Home Company for five years and we specialised in speculative building and some light commercial construction.
This photo shows my brother Simon and I graduating in 1985. Shortly after this photo I grew a disreputable looking moustache in an attempt to look older and more experienced!
In 1990 I started my first construction business with my two brothers, and we worked mostly on renovation and additions. This was a great learning experience and a strong foundation for some of the tough economic years ahead.
In 1995 I started Taylor Building Group. This company specialised in multi unit developments and new homes.
In 2008 I started Choice Builders specialising in high quality architectural homes. We built a number of extraordinary homes.
At this same time I qualified as residential building thermal performance assessor. I am excited by the ideal of a 10 star home that requires no additional heating or cooling.
In 2012 I passed the rigorous entrance ABSA examinations for national accreditation in thermal assessment.
During 2010 I passed $20 million dollars of construction projects completed.
In 2011 we built a home as part of the Black Saturday bushfire recovery at Hazeldene.
I run a pool rule discussion blog here
Technical competency
1986 I was awarded a Diploma of Building from RMIT This four year course involved three years full time study with an additional year of party time study and an industry placement.
1989 I was first registered as a building practitioner. This registration has remained current to this day, Domestic Builder - Unlimited 4416.
2008 I completed training as a residential building thermal performance assessor. This qualification enabled me to undertake 5 star energy performance assessments.
2011 I completed the accreditation examinations and was registered as a nationally accredited thermal performance assessor with ABSA. This enables me to undertake assessments in any state where the modelling software is accepted.
2012 I studied a Diploma of Building Surveying at Holmesglen.
2013 registration as a Building Inspector Limited IN-L 40262